Monday, November 26, 2018

The One with All the Encouragement

For those of us here in the US, this past Thursday was Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving just so happens to be my favorite holiday--the cooking, the family, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the food; I would add football, but my family never really watches football on Thanksgiving, since we prefer college football over professional.  We do occasionally throw a football around the yard (or, in the case of last year, we shoot some toy arrows with toy bows...occasionally, there are Nerf guns involved).  One of my other favorite Thanksgiving things is watching the F.R.I.E.N.D.S Thanksgiving episodes...hence the title of this post (and really, that's the only reason that F.R.I.E.N.D.S is even a relevant anecdote here, so if that's the only reason you started reading this post, move along, or you might be disappointed).

The last several years (seven? six?), my family has attended a Thanksgiving Eve Breakfast for Dinner gathering on, well, Thanksgiving Eve.  This has easily become my "new" favorite thing about Thanksgiving.  It began in the tight kitchen of a family friend's home.  The first year, we blew fuses in the kitchen as we all tried to make pancakes, eggs, bacon, biscuits.  We didn't eat until about an hour and a half after everyone showed up--and it was a wonderful evening of laughter and "family" (although very few of us were actually it's basically a "friendsgiving" situation).  As the years have progressed, the number of people has increased, the kitchen has been redone to be more open, and we figured out that using my dad's flat-top grill outside to cook the eggs and bacon saves the fuses.

But the best part of the whole evening is always seeing old friends.  Many of us only see each other at this dinner each year.  Part of that catching up this year included a couple of people talking to me about this very blog.  In spite of the humor with which I view most of my experiences in the online dating world (let's be honest, it's how I view most of my life in general), some people can tell how frustrated and discouraged I can get with the whole concept of waiting (not-so-patiently) for "the one".

Before this party, one of my relatives asked if I would be interested in being set up with someone he knows.  I told him I was fine with that, since *obviously* this whole online thing seems to be as successful as trying to kick through a brick wall.  At the party, the hosts took it upon themselves to offer me some extremely heartfelt encouragement this year; the wife talked to me about a single guy that she knows, and said she has been praying about whether or not she should try to set us up (she had actually mentioned this idea to me several months ago, via text, but I had forgotten about it until that night).  As it turns out, this is the same guy that another person I know has thought about setting me up with (this person also asked about it in the last week).  Now, I'm not letting any of these things get my hopes up that anything is going to actually happen, let alone work out--but the important part here is that it's encouraging to know how much people care.  On top of these encouraging conversations, the other host (the husband of the wife mentioned previously) shared a Bible verse with me which God had laid on his heart: 
"Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone?  Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent?  If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:9-11 ESV)
He reminded me that the Lord loves His children, and that He loves to give us good gifts.  Of course, this doesn't mean that God doesn't allow us to go through tough things--He definitely does, because He uses trials and difficulties to grow our faith, because they show us how much we need Him.  But God also uses other people encouraging us to grow our faith.  I didn't go to this party expecting anything like that, but God, being the loving Heavenly Father that He is, gave me the gift of being encouraged, but also challenged.

As I thought about this verse on my way home, I realized that one important part of it is that the son ASKS for what he wants.  Don't get me wrong, I have prayed about wanting to date someone/get married eventually...but I've honestly never been great about praying for something consistently.  It's more like I just kinda mention it to God when it comes to mind.  I think partially, I feel like I'm being selfish if I pray about myself "too much"...but the Bible tells us to ask.  I don't for one minute think this realization is going to "magically" make something happen, but I do think that I need to be more faithful about praying about any future relationships.

So to those of you who read this blog, and who mention it to me in person, THANK YOU.  To those of you considering setting me up with someone, THANK YOU.  But more importantly, THANK YOU to people who really, earnestly pray and LISTEN to what the Lord says to them, and who aren't afraid to pass it along to those of us who sometimes struggle with the listening part.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Best Dating App?

Over the last 3 years, I have used almost every available dating app, I guess subconciously hoping that different algorithms might find some different options for me. On almost every single one, I’ve ended up being matched with most of the same guys...and several times, I’ve been matched with guys that I already know. That can be super awkward, by the way—especially if there has never been any sort of interest (in real life) from either side.

Dating apps that I’ve used, and my opinions of each of them:

  • eHarmony (expensive, but better filtering and better conversations...but I've never gone on a date from this one)
  • Coffee Meets Bagel (free, appealing layout, and it uses friends of friends on Facebook)
  • Match (affordable, so lots of people are on it, which widens the "playing field")
  • Christian Mingle (also affordable, but I think this is where the creepers go to prey on Christian girls)
  • Bumble (free, but the girl has to initiate conversation...which I don't do; I tried it for a little bit, and I even started a couple of conversations, but I didn't like it)
  • CrossPaths (free; one of my friends in another state met someone on this app, so I got it...and no one in my area is on it)
  • Clover (free, and lots of people in my area were on it, but you can't filter very much at all, so I was *constantly* getting notifications, and I deleted the app because I got annoyed--with the app, more-so than the people on it)
  • Hinge (the new big thing; free, unless you want to be able to get fancy with your filters; interesting new take on a profile layout, but I haven't had many successful conversations on it yet...I don't love it so far)

My personal favorite dating app is Coffee Meets Bagel.  While Match has actually gotten me more dates, the format of CMB, and the fact that it uses icebreakers, makes conversations much easier to get started.  Also, I appreciate that people can't communicate with each other before both individuals hit "like".

About a month ago, I made a survey about dating apps, that some of y'all probably took (anonymously, of course).  Below are the questions I asked, along with the results, which honestly surprised me a little.  I had a total of 11 people take the survey, but one of those 11 said they had never tried online dating, but the other 10 had.
1. Have you ever used a dating app before?
Yes: 10
No: 1
2. What dating app is overall your favorite? (1 skipped this question)
eHarmony: 1
Match: 0
Christian Mingle: 1
Coffee Meets Bagel: 1
Hinge: 0
Clover: 0
Cross Paths: 0
Bumble: 1
Tinder: 3
OK Cupid: 1
Plenty of Fish: 1
Farmers Only: 0
Other: 1
3. Which dating app has led to the best conversations? (1 skipped this question)
eHarmony: 1
Match: 1
Christian Mingle: 1
Coffee Meets Bagel: 1
Hinge: 1
Clover: 0
Cross Paths:0
Bumble: 1
Tinder: 2
OK Cupid: 1
Plenty of Fish: 1
Farmers Only: 0
Other: 0
4. Which dating app has led to the most dates? (1 skipped this question)
eHarmony: 0
Match: 0
Christian Mingle: 1
Coffee Meets Bagel: 1
Hinge: 0
Clover: 0
Cross Paths: 0
Bumble: 1
Tinder: 3
OK Cupid: 1
Plenty of Fish: 1
Farmers Only: 0
Other: 2
5. If you are married, did you meet your spouse through an online dating app? (2 skipped this question)
Yes: 3
No: 6
6. On which dating app have you found the best selection of people? (2 skipped this question)
eHarmony: 2
Match: 0
Christian Mingle: 1
Coffee Meets Bagel: 1
Hinge: 1
Clover: 0
Cross Paths: 0
Bumble: 1
Tinder: 1
OK Cupid: 1
Plenty of Fish: 0
Farmers Only: 0
Other: 1
7. On which dating app have you found the most creepers? (1 skipped this question)
eHarmony: 1
Match: 2
Christian Mingle: 1
Coffee Meets Bagel: 0
Hinge: 0
Clover: 0
Cross Paths: 0
Bumble: 1
Tinder: 4
OK Cupid: 0
Plenty of Fish: 0
Farmers Only: 0
Other: 1

So, what is the best dating app?  Well, according to my survey, Tinder would be the overall best dating app, which honestly surprised me.  Maybe it's because of sheer volume?  But Tinder also had the most creepers (again, sheer volume), so I guess it depends on how many more creepers you want to wade through in order to find the potentially good conversations and dates.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Singleness Saga -- GUEST POST!

Sometimes, in this online dating world-of-weird, it's easy to feel like you're the only one with strange stories to tell.  But good news!  You. Are. Not. Alone.  And to prove it (to myself?), here is an anonymous guest post from a wonderful friend of mine :)

Happy to share these stories for the laughs, the eye rolls, and the sheer amazement. ;)

1. The 46 yr old teenager:

Scenario one: "Matched" with a guy (he is 46, and I am 42 - these details matter in this story). He has pictures posted that are decent, clean cut, fun, and even one with him praying with another man. (Normally I cringe a little at those, thinking they are going to be "holier than thou"). Benefit of the doubt won over because of his excellent writing, and the details in his profile bio.

So we exchanged a line or two, and he asked if it was too forward to ask to speak on the phone. Honestly, I was impressed. He had met, maybe even surpassed, my expectations in a whirlwind. 

He called, and we talked about 3 minutes when...
"ohh, hang on just one sec.......ha ha, that's funny, ok I'm back...oh hang on, my buddy is texting me." (Insert loud laughter) "Wow, so this buddy has some crazy drama...hold on, oh he's calling me. Hey _____, can I call you right back?"


He did call back, and soon I was questioning his age (no offense to 22 year olds), and the fact that his leading a Bible study and mentoring somehow was done by this same individual who just described how that once he is "impaired" at the local bar, that these "cute little things" were just so fun and flirty and that's how he now has 2 exes and 5 children (27, 25, 23, 22, 13). (He even has grandkids, but he just loves making babies). Yep...had fun ending that conversation. 

2. He wanted me to be treated "like a daughter of God" - his words.

Conversation began with him quoting scripture for EVERY answer. Sweet though, and finally had actual conversation. 

And then came my favorite phone conversation...

He stated that he really just needed to "hire a girl to come clean", or find him a "good, sweet lil' girl like [me]." (If you know me, feel free to laugh right there! HA!!) I said, "you maybe should consider hiring someone to clean."
(Please brace yourself).
His next response had possibilities hanging in the balance...
The path he chose:
"I don't mind hard work, ya know outside. But all this, well you know, I mean it's just not 'for a man' to vacuum and clean light fixtures, wash dishes and clothes, and all."

I LAUGHED SO HARD OUT LOUD, and actually said "Are you KIDDING me?!? 
 He chuckled and said, "no really I mean it's just not a manly thing to clean house."

Pretty sure I said bye before hanging up...though I can't be positive. 

My sweet lil' self just can't remember.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

What I’m Actually Looking For

One of my faithful readers asked me a little while ago to write a post about what I'm actually looking for in a date/possible future husband.  Ever since I was in the youth group at church (so, starting in 7th grade), our youth pastor always encouraged us to make a list of qualities we would want in a future spouse.  That list took shape over the course of my time in youth group, and I may have edited it while I was in college at some point, but I think the basics are about the same as the very first "wish list" I ever made.  My most recent list is at the end of this post.  The 2 paragraphs below aren't *exactly* related to my list, but the things I discuss in those paragraphs have certainly played integral parts in my list updates.

I read (and discussed in class) I Kissed Dating Goodbye (written by Joshua Harris) as a senior in high school, and as a freshman in college, I did a Song of Solomon Bible study with my church's college ministry.  While I think there were a whole lot of good, valuable things that I learned from both studies, I also think they both worked together in my brain to convince me that "every date is a potential mate"...which I think was a quote I also used to hear in my youth group.  Now, that's not to say that it isn't true--it is.  I think the intention behind both I Kissed Dating Goodbye and the quote that I still remember from youth group was to discourage the habit of serial dating.  However, I think it backfired.  It seemed that I Kissed Dating Goodbye almost single-handedly led my entire generation (at least in Christian circles) to put WAY. TOO. MUCH. PRESSURE. on any one, single date.  Beginning at that point in time, anyone who read Joshua Harris' book of sound advice and good intentions, and took that book to heart as a general rule, began to consider each first date as in interview for an engagement.

While our whole generation "said goodbye" to dating, that caused several people to (seemingly) go straight from friends to being engaged (no judgment, these people are some of my favorite married couples).  As for the rest of us, we were scared away from dating during the college years.  And after the college years, when you live in a college town, where are you supposed to find someone to date-and-maybe-one-day-marry (you know, since in my mind, they are inseparable)...Bars?  Church?  Work?  And when none of those work for you?  Enter online dating.  The lists below have been influenced by everything I've including over 3 years of trying to find my soulmate on the internet (I mean, you can find everything else there, right?).

Related question, which I've yet to find the answer to: how can my generation of perpetually single Christian women, who are trying to figure out how to find "the one," break our minds free of the whole "every date is a potential mate" mentality...and should even we try?

1. Loves God/Jesus more than he loves me.  I believe that, in order to have a God-honoring relationship with each other, we must each prioritize our own relationships with the Lord, first and foremost.  This has been modeled for me by my parents, and I couldn't be more grateful to them for that.
2. Active in the church they attend, in some respect.  According to the Bible, fellowship with other believers is essential to Christian growth, which means that just going to church every now and then doesn't really cut it.
3. A strong leader.  Knowing my own personality, I know that I have a difficult time respecting men who won't lead.  In my mind, this applies to every aspect of the dating world, beginning with initial communication.  If I am the one who begins the conversation online, I think I would just continue on as the leader in the relationship (you know, assuming a relationship actually started).  This also coincides with leading by example in his relationship with God.  I don't really think I want kids, but I do want to know that I will be led properly.  (yes, I know everyone is human and makes mistakes, so I'm not saying he has to be absolutely perfect in his leadership all the time; just most of the time would be good) 
4. A servant's heart.  No, I don't believe that good leaders are bossy.  Yes, I do believe that good, strong, faithful leaders also have the heart of a servant.  Why?  Because they should be modeling their lives after Jesus...the greatest servant-leader of all time.
5. Taller than me.  Again, this plays into the fact that I want to be able to respect my (potential) husband.  As strong as women try to be today, we do still also like to feel safe and protected.  For me, height plays a big part in that.  Therefore, in the online dating world, I pass on anyone under 6' tall.
6. Weighs more than me, but in a healthy, muscular way.  As I discussed in my "Ice Cream with Fezzik" post, I have a very active lifestyle.  Also, as discussed in my "Froyo with a Former Youth Pastor" post, I have a hard time respecting people who seem "too scrawny."  I want someone to be able to share in my active lifestyle with me.  I'm not asking for 6-pack abs (not that I would be too upset about that), but someone who seems healthy is important to me.
7. Someone I find attractive.  This one is brand new, and wholly inspired by my online dating experiences.  I honestly never used to think initial attraction was important to me, but I'm finding that I was wrong.  I think that, because of my incapacity for hiding my thoughts, initial attraction, at least on some level, is going to be necessary...which feels shallow to even write.  Who knows, maybe that will change again.
8. Someone smarter than me, but who also has common sense.  I think this one has also been mostly inspired by online dating, after having read so many badly-written profiles and messages.  This would also play into respect for me.
9. Is a dog person.  I don't care if he actually has dogs (although not gonna lie, if he does, it shouldn't be a small, fluffy dog, because they don't really count), but I'm just really NOT a cat person, and I always think it's weird when men own cats.

1. Loves to travel, but is also grounded.  Traveling gives you perspective, and is my favorite way to rejuvenate when I'm worn out by regular life.  BUT I also really love coming home to my dogs now.  The last part of that is kind of new for me...I always used to be sad when it was time to come home from, well, anywhere that wasn't home.
2. Plays guitar or piano (but preferably guitar).  This one has been on my list ever since middle school...I think I've just always really liked the sound of a guitar.  Ok, I would probably be ok with a drummer too...maybe.
[This list used to be longer, but I think some of these have moved up to my "must-have" list, unfortunately.]